COVID-19 has fast tracked a new way of conducting business with a much greater reliance on electronic decision making and transacting. In this new world of work, there are some practices that have been adopted that can be subject to challenge where the digital controls are not as tight as they might be. We take a look at two situations in this blog post; round-robin decision making and electronic signing of documents.
Email is the most common medium for round-robin decision making but it comes with two main weaknesses:
A platform that supports encryption and the ability to store the discussion as a reference for other parties would improve the digital environment and allow one to move the sensitive information off email.
Electronic signatures are acceptable in most jurisdictions for most transactions. Transactions that would typically still require ‘wet’ signatures are wills, court orders, property transactions, marriage and divorce agreements. When relying on an electronic signature, it is still, however, important to ensure that the means of collecting the signature can:
A practice for capturing electronic signatures that has developed in this new world of work is one where the document is printed, signed and scanned. This practice comes with several weaknesses:
A platform that provides an effective record of the request to sign a document and the response by the person signing and preserves the integrity of the document that was electronically signed would improve the governance around electronic signatures.
By integrating the two processes of electronic discussion and signing, SC Spheres offers a holistic governance solution for this new world of work. This is especially the case when one considers that the SC Spheres platform also integrates solutions for board papers and a document repository.