SC Spheres
Case Studies

A game changer if you are servicing Boards

Step 2

A number of administrators and consulting firms provide Board secretarial functions as part of the services to their clients. Having a standardised approach across all clients can yields material savings and improve the quality of the Board secretarial services.

Axiomatic Consultants provide consulting services to a number of high-profile retirement funds. They rolled out SC Spheres to their clients just over three years ago and regard SC Spheres as a game changer for their business.

Three key features of SC Spheres make is perfect for any business providing Board secretarial functions as part of the overall services to their clients.

Meeting agenda templates

Key Requirement: The platform must enable the setup of templates for the preparation of meeting packs so that these can be standardised for clients across the organisation.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres has included a fully customisable meeting pack builder that allows cover pages, agendas, headers, footers and page numbering to be designed to fit in with the look and feel of the organisation. Once built, any existing meeting pack can be used as a template for the creation of a new meeting pack. This ensures the efficient creation of meeting packs that conform to an organisation’s standard.

Easy transition to edit mode

Key Requirement: The platform must allow users with administration rights to be able to transition effortlessly to an edit mode where packs and folders can be amended.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres allows any user with administration rights to toggle between the ‘normal user’ mode and an edit mode. Being able to create packs, notify users, upload documents, edit folders etc. in one environment reduces the need for administrator training. It also allows the delegation of administration rights to Board members who are not training administrators but need to create a pack and notify users for ad-hoc meetings.

Discounted pricing

Key Requirement: A discounted pricing structure should be in place for organisations that are going to roll out the platform to multiple clients.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres has a very low price point and this is discounted further for organisations that wish to offer the platform to multiple clients. The organisation plays an important part in the set-up, training and invoicing of the clients and this justifies a discounted price. The discounted price allows organisations to offer SC Spheres as part of the value-add to their clients. This not only reduces the overall cost of servicing the clients but also improves the quality of the service.


A large part of the distribution of SC Spheres has come from partners like Axiomatic Consultants who have used SC Spheres to enhance the provision of services to their clients.

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