SC Spheres
Case Studies

Global Decision Making: How NMG Leverages the Power of SC Spheres’ Platform

Step 2

Managing a global enterprise with decision-makers spread across five continents poses a number of challenges. Whichever interface is being used to facilitate decision-making, reliability, security, and usability are key. NMG, a diversified financial services group, has been leveraging the power of the SC Spheres platform for over five years to tackle these challenges head-on.

About NMG

NMG is a leading multi-national organisation specialising in insurance, investment, and reinsurance. With operations spanning across various continents, NMG focuses on delivering innovative solutions that create value and drive growth for their clients. Their commitment to excellence and adaptability has made them a formidable player in the global market.

SC Spheres: A Game Changer for NMG

The Chairman and CEO of NMG Benefits has been a delighted user of the SC Spheres platform, referring to it as a fantastic tool that keeps improving. We explore some of the reasons why SC Spheres is so invaluable for managing global enterprises like NMG.


Key Requirement: The interface used for decision-making must be scalable and reliable, capable of supporting a large number of users in different locations without degradation in performance, especially during critical decision-making processes.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres is built on a cloud infrastructure that provides scalability and high availability. It is a progressive web application that manages client-side storage of information in a manner that ensures accessibility even in locations where internet access is less reliable or where distance would otherwise make latency an issue. NMG has not experienced any downtime in the five plus years of relying on the SC Spheres platform, highlighting its reliability.


Key Requirement: Security is not just a feature—it’s a necessity. The interface used for decision-making must comply with stringent regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others relevant to the regions in which the global organisation operates.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres prioritises security with data encryption protocols for all communications and data storage. It adheres to global compliance standards, ensuring that all client data is handled with the highest level of security and in line with the latest regulatory requirements. This rigorous approach to security has been crucial for NMG in maintaining the trust and confidentiality of their global clientele.


Key Requirement: To ensure widespread adoption and minimise training time, the interface needs a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate even for less tech-savvy users.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres boasts a clean, intuitive interface that simplifies user interaction. The platform is accessible via all web browsers on any device, allowing users to access the platform from multiple devices even at the same time. User access is centrally controlled, minimising the risk of inadvertently giving the wrong user access to sensitive information. SC Spheres primarily serves as a repository for documents, specialising in the storage and distribution of meeting packs and resolutions. This focus on being a document repository rather than just a mechanism for the distribution of meeting packs is a key differentiator that enhances usability.


For any global organisation, the choice of meeting software cannot be trivial. It must be a tool that enhances functionality, supports compliance, and protects client information. SC Spheres stands out as a comprehensive solution designed to meet the specific needs of global organisations. With its robust security measures, seamless integrations, and focus on being a document repository, SC Spheres is not just meeting these requirements—it's setting a new standard for what meeting software can achieve.

NMG's success story with SC Spheres is a testament to how innovative technology can transform the management of global enterprises. By providing a reliable, secure, and user-friendly platform, SC Spheres has empowered NMG to navigate the complexities of global decision-making with ease and efficiency.

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