SC Spheres
Case Studies

Reducing the Workload for Board Secretaries

Step 2

A Board Secretary’s daily operations can be very disjointed with meeting documents to prepare, agreements to conclude and signature requests to manage. Our mission at SC Spheres is to provide some structure to the role by having everything in one place with security built in. The Board Secretary at Transmed Medical Fund has been a delighted user of the SC Spheres platform for some years now. In his Google Review, he explains that the SC Spheres platform is very easy and logical to use and has a very positive impact on his workload. This is achieved by integrating three key requirements:

Distribution of meeting documents

Key Requirement: The distribution of bulky meeting documents to multiple parties in a format that is easy to access from any device.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres is built on a cloud infrastructure that provides scalability and high availability. It is a progressive web application that manages client-side storage of information that allows users to access the documents from any device via their internet browser. The advantage of a browser-based solution is that there is no need to set up or train new users. They receive a link via email and their device will automatically route them to their default internet browser when they click on the link. No training needed and no fuss.

Access to Fund documents

Key Requirement: The Board secretaries must have access to a secure platform to create a storage folder structure that is both logical and fits in with their unique requirements.

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres is completely customisable allowing document folders to be created on the fly by Board Secretaries with full control over user access. New Board members can be given immediate access to all the Fund documents they need to discharge their fiduciary responsibilities. Longer-standing Board members can refer back to old meeting or Fund documents at any time and from anywhere.

Signing documents

Key Requirement: Board Secretaries must have access to a means of getting documents signed electronically that is secure and complies with the relevant laws and regulations

How SC Spheres Delivers: SC Spheres offers a cutting-edge solution for electronic signing of documents that not only simplifies the signing process but also ensures compliance and security. By integrating the electronic signing with the document storage platform, SC Spheres offers a solution that avoids having sensitive documents sent via email without the proper data encryption in place. The integrated solution also simplifies the daily operations for Board Secretaries where the signature status of a document can be quicky checked and follow-ups sent out to outstanding signatories where required.


For any Board Secretary, the choice of meeting software cannot be trivial. It must be a tool that enhances functionality, supports compliance, and protects client information. SC Spheres stands out as a comprehensive solution designed to meet the specific needs of the modern Board Secretary. With its robust security measures, seamless integrations, and focus on being a document repository, SC Spheres is not just meeting these requirements—it's setting a new standard for what meeting software can achieve.

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